Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness Centre for Consciousness Center for Future Consciousness Centre for Consciousness Centre for Consciousness Studies...
Jim Tucker Parapsychological Association Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences Division of Perceptual Studies Institute for the Integration of Science,...
Ananda Marga Yoga Wellness Centre Prama Institute and Wellness Center Ananda Marga Yoga Wellness Centre Ananda Marga Yoga Wellness Centre...
Ananda Marga Gurukula Neohumanist Education Global Association of Neohumanist Educators P.R. Sarkar Institute Neohumanist College Neohumanist College of Asheville Centre...
Renaissance Universal (RU) Rupert Sheldrake Progressive Science Institute Progressive Science Institute John Templeton Foundation California Institute of Integral Studies Institute...
A Quantum Theory of Microvita Microvita Express Microvita Research e.V. Society for Microvita Research and Integrated Medicine...
Marcelo Gleiser Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Center for Quantum Activism Quantum Gravity Research...
The Neuroscience Academy David Lynch Foundation Researching Meditation Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine Andrew Newberg Brain and Mind Technologies...
Asia Pacific Futures Network Metafuture Center for Future Consciousness Journal of Futures Studies Futures Foundation Futures Copenhagen Institute for Futures...