PR Sarkar


Ánanda Sútram
Idea and Ideology
Ánanda Márga: Elementary Philosophy 

Ánanda Márga Philosophy (1-8)


Subháśita Saḿgraha (1-25)
Ánanda Vacanámrtam (1-34)
Namah Shiváya Shántáya
Namámi Krśńasundaram
Ánanda Váńii Saḿgraha
Stages of Psycho-Spiritual Sádhaná 

Discourses on Tantra (1-2)
Discourses on Krśńa and the Giitá
Ánanda Márga Ideology and Way of Life (1-11)
Ánanda Márga Karma Sannyása
Ánanda Márga Karma Yoga
The Flow of Devotion and the Glory of Kiirtan
Supreme Expression 1
Bábá’s Grace
Bábá in Fiesch
Bábá in Taiwan
The Thoughts of P.R. Sarkar
Light Comes


Problems of the Day
Discourses on Prout
Human Society (1-2)
A Few Problems Solved (1-9)
The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism
To the Patriots 

Proutist Economics: Discourses on Economic Liberation
Human Society
One Human Society
Prout in a Nutshell (1-4 new edition, 1-21 old edition)
Neohumanism in a Nutshell (1-2)
An Outline of Prout
The New Renaissance
Discourses on Neohumanist Education
The Awakening of Women
Supreme Expression 2
The Great Universe
Universal Humanism
Sadvipra Revolution


In the Land of Hat́t́amálá (1-2)
The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea
Under the Fathomless Depths of the Blue Sea 


Ánanda Márga Caryácarya (1-3)
A Guide to Human Conduct (Jiivan Veda)
Discourses on the Mahábhárata
The Faculty of Knowledge
Táttvika Praveshiká
Táttvika Diipiká
Tattva Kaomudii (1-3)
A General Guidebook for Táttvikas
Jiivan Diipika
Ideal Farming (1-3)
Sarkar’s English Grammar and Composition
Sarkar’s Short Stories (1-9)
Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies
Shabda Cayaniká (Collection of Words) (1-26)
Varńa Vijiṋána (Science of Letters)
Varńa Vicitrá (Various Uses of Letters) (1-6)
Strange Experiences
Ráŕh: The Cradle of Civilization
Galpa Saiṋcayan (Short Stories) (1-4)
Prabhát Saḿgiita Selected Songs (series)
Natural Medicine

Yoga Psychology
Microvitum in a Nutshell
Saḿgiita: Song, Dance and Instrumental Music
Birds and Animals, Our Neighbours
Path Calte Itikathá (Histories Along the Way) (1-3)
Yoga Sádhaná: The Spiritual Practice of Yoga
Bengal and Bengalees (1-2)
Who is the Real Guru?